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​How to help

When it comes to supporting the children, you can help Uplifting Humanity by donating your finances and/or time to at least one of our many projects. 

True Masters Chess Club

Uplifting Humanity created True Masters Chess Club for the youth. True Masters Chess Club is providing youth with the opportunity to further develop their talents as chess players through education and competition. We believe that by engaging youth in the game of chess they can enhance their critical and analytical thinking and reasoning skills to better prepare them to address the problems of their daily living situations. In 2019, our chess program was a success with 3rd and 4th graders at Parkwood Elementary School in Durham, NC.


Children's Festival
Uplifting Humanity is planning to host a Children's Festival that will 
provide high-quality educational and fun entertainment in a family friendly atmosphere. This festival will serve not only as a primary fundraiser, but also as a educational tool for the public.

​Latest project


The Noble Drew Ali Education Center is the latest project from Uplifting Humanity. This project is designed to provide a well-rounded education to underserved youth. Many underprivileged children face challenges in receiving an education that fits their needs. This can be overwhelming. The good news is that Uplifting Humanity working to change that with the creation of the Noble Drew Ali Education Center. 

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